Falling asleep and staying asleep can be a very difficult, stressful part of one's life. There are many different causes for sleep problems, however the most common causes seem to revolve around habitual behavior.
Let's go over some of the most common causes for sleep problems:
Lack of Exercise
This is the most common problem. Those who do not do intensive exercise regularly will have problems sleeping. Try exercising daily or bi-daily. At least 15 minutes of intensive exercise. Swimming, running and jump-rope are great for this.
Poor Eating Habits
Eating just before bedtime will have an affect on how fast you fall asleep, as well as how well you sleep. Avoid eating 3 hours before bed, and stay away from sugars and carbs. Practicing this behavior can also result in a loss of weight!
Sleeping Too Long
It's recommended that you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Any longer than that will can cause fatigue, as well as trouble sleeping the following night. It can be hard waking up before you feel completely refreshed, however it is much easier after you've been in the routine of doing so.
Those are a few things you can try to increase your quality of sleep. If unable to do so, you may want to consider seeing your doctor, as they can provide advice as well. Most likely, they will prescribe you with a sleeping aid. The most popular is Melatonin. However, a common misconception is the more you take, the more sleepy you will feel. The best amount of Melatonin to take is actually around 0.5mg.
For Tips for Sleeping visit http://www.TipsForSleeping.com.
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