There is no universal cure for sleep disorders. Before any treatment for sleep disorder can be decided, you must be examined and tested to find out what disorder you are suffering from. You can help your doctor by taking notes of the symptoms you are experiencing and keeping any detailed information that could help them determine the cause. Some sleep disorders are cured by changing sleep habits and some environmental factors. Others are more intense and require a thorough diagnosis and various types of treatments.
Insomnia is often cured by changes in sleep hygiene. Cut down caffeine intake and exercise earlier in the day. A normal sleep routine should be put into place. If the condition is related to some other disease, it must be treated in order to treat the insomnia. The symptoms may disappear or be drastically reduced after the other disease is treated. Sedatives are only used for a short period of time and other medications are prescribed by a specialist if the condition is chronic.
Patients suffering from apnea often have to have some sort of medical intervention to cure or reduce symptoms. Weight loss is recommended for anyone who is obese. Often devices are given to assist in breathing while asleep. Surgery is an option for any patients that have conditions such as enlarged tonsils. Sleeping pills should not be taken because they can prevent the sufferer from waking and resuming breathing.
Circadian rhythm disorders are caused due to irregular sleep phases. People who travel frequently or work night shift often get these types of disorders because their sleep and wake times are not normal or they quickly change time zones. Bright light treatment is becoming a more common treatment for these conditions. Melatonin is sometimes used as well; however, it is not very potent sleep aid and does not even compare to the effectiveness of bright light therapy.
Snoring is easily treatable if it is not a symptom of apnea. Doctors tell patients to sleep on their side for better breathing. Alcohol and other stimulants should be avoided. Do not take sleeping pills or any other type of sedative. Over-the-counter drugs specifically designed to help snoring can be used. These include breathing strips, nasal sprays, and devices to help keep the airway open.
Narcolepsy itself has no cure but can be effectively managed through medication. Daytime naps are suggested to take away some of the sleepiness narcolepsy causes. A doctor will often prescribe a stimulant like Ritalin to help the sufferer be more alert during the day. New stimulants are becoming available that are less addictive but are effective at keeping someone with narcolepsy awake. Antidepressants are prescribed to deal with the loss of muscle control.
Each type of disorder is unique with its own set of symptoms. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the cause. It can include changes in sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, medication, surgery, or assisting devices. Before deciding on a treatment, have your symptoms checked out by a doctor or sleep clinic. They will be able to tell you what options you have and will eliminate any unnecessary treatments.
Sleep disorders are sometimes hard to detect and each disorder has its own set of treatment options. A sleep clinic can help determine what the best treatment is for your condition and help you begin getting the rest you need.
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