People are now turning to natural sleep herbs in a bid to cure their insomnia. The amount of people suffering from sleeplessness is on the rise and so is the choice of natural sleep herbs to combat it.
If you suffer from insomnia then you are not alone. Many people suffer from sleep related problems such as:
-Around 74% of all Americans do not get enough sleep every night.
-Many people will feel sleepy or bleary throughout the week.
-Up to 53% of adults claim to struggle sleeping a small number of nights each week.
-One third of Americans have trouble sleeping every night.
-50% of Americans cannot wake up without an alarm clock.
The problem with using an alarm clock to wake up in the morning is that it disrupts your bodies natural sleep cycle which results in a lack of energy and thus you wake up feeling fatigued in the morning.
Lack Of Sleep Is Bad For You
The net effect is that those who have sleep related problems are known to be twice as likely to feel stressed and tired. If a person continues to have a disrupted a sleep pattern then it can really start to effect your health and you may suffer from some of the following medical problems:
-Blurred vision
-Unable to concentrate for long period of time
-Cardiovascular disease
-General confusion
-Have to take daytime naps
-Weakened immune system
-Have to use an alarm clock to wake up.
May people suffer from sleeplessness due to a change in shift patterns at work, a change in their lifestyle may have left them stressed or it could be down to lifestyle and diet.
If you drink too much tea, certain carbonated drinks or coffee then caffeine may keep you awake. Caffeine changes the chemistry in your brain. It block the action of a natural brain chemical that is associated with sleep and you brain responds by producing adrenalin. Adrenalin makes you more alert and awake.
How To Combat Insomnia
If you want to cure you insomnia then you might want to look at the method that more and more people are adopting everyday and that is to use natural sleep herbs. The most popular of these natural sleep herbs in melatonin.
Melatonin is naturally produced by the body as vital if a person wants to get a good nights sleep. The problem is that some people don't produce enough melatonin themselves naturally.
Research has shown that if you don't produce enough melatonin then your sleep will not be of good quality as its not a deep sleep the body needs to revitalize itself.
There is a solution at hand as melatonin can be replaced and in European countries such as France Switzerland and Germany they take over the counter melatonin supplements as a matter of course.
Melatonin is a natural sleep herb that is now being adopted by other countries such as Canada and the United States by people looking to cure insomnia and reclaim the night again.
If you are looking to use natural sleep herbs like melatonin to get a good night's sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the next day.
Then join the thousands using Melatrol every week. I used Melatrol to help me reclaim the night visit my site and get a free bottle of Melatrol today.
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