2012年8月31日 星期五

Adverse Conditions For Sleep

How important is a good night's sleep? Sleep is vital to a person's mental and physical health.

A study conducted at the University of Iowa showed that sleeping fewer than 7.5 hours a night increased a person's risk of injury by 61 percent.

Research indicates that teenagers grow while they are actually asleep, their growth hormones are secreted in the deepest phase of slow-wave sleep. They also have different sleep patterns, and sleeping in late is good for them. Could some adolescents could be stunting their growth by not sleeping properly? The American National Sleep Foundation actually presented a symposium on teenagers 'sleep phase delay' in June 2005, and the Manatee County School Board, Florida successfully lobbied to delay the start of the school day to cater for his sleep phase delay. Teenagers are at risk of sleeping badly during stressful exam times. Teenagers who are up early for school, and playing sport on the weekends rarely get the chance to sleep in.

Dr. Mindelll and Dr. Barry Jacobson's study Sleep Disturbances During Pregnancy showed that by the end of pregnancy 97.3% of women were waking up at night, an average of 3.11 times. And all mothers know that if their baby is not sleeping the whole family suffers. The mother gets tired and cranky, and then feels guilty if she snaps at the other children during the day. A little later comes menopause, hot flashes, and some more sleep challenges.

If you're a shift-worker, it effects the patients in the hospital, you're accuracy, and your own long-term health. Recently the Danish government commenced paying compensation to women who have developed breast cancer after years of working night shift. One of the reports published in the journal of the National Cancer Institute showed a 36% greater risk of breast cancer for women who had worked night shifts for more than 30 years, compared with women who had never worked nights. Previously there have been studies indicating higher rates of cardio-vascular disease and gastro-intestinal disadvantages, low birth-weight in babies and longer pregnancies for women. There now appears to be mounting evidence that shift work could suppress the production of melatonin in the body. (Melatonin is believed to have some beneficial effects in preventing the onset of cancer.) If anyone needs optimal melatonin production you would hope it would be shift-workers.

Insurance companies ask whether people suffer from insomnia in their policy documents.

It's also difficult when there are other medical problems that people are dealing with, at the same time as having disturbed sleep e.g. people in pain from illness, recovering from surgery, living with HIV, tinnitus sufferers, snorers, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, asthma, indigestion, coughing, even just a cold. And mental difficulties include dementia, mental health problems, stress, anxieties, bi-polar disorder etc.

Trying to sleep can become more challenged if you are taking a combination of prescriptions - each of which may or may not be totally compatible with the next.

I think the strategy here is to do the best you can with the information you have available at the time. There is no benefit in adding on yet another stress to the situation. Many insomniacs apparently underestimate the length of time that they are actually asleep at night.

So, yes, be totally informed about what you're dealing with, and what the side effects of your prescriptions are, take whatever measures seem logical and practical, and then do the best you can with your ATTITUDE to the situation you are in. The more positive your attitude, the greater the chance to find some creative results.

Utilize whatever methods are available to make your time more restful and relaxed, by playing great music, relaxing, looking after yourself as best you can, taking appropriate supplements, exercising, eating nutritious food, and being with the people you love.

Concentrate on the positives and work with your situation one day at a time.

Elizabeth Shannon has been researching sleep and sleep disorders for over 10 years. She interviews experts and reviews successful case studies to identify and report on natural solutions for insomnia. Totally without the use of drugs.

At Sleepless No More, http://www.sleeplessnomore.com, find information and natural solutions on topics from grief to tinnitus.

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How to Encourage the Production of Melatonin for Better Sleep

Melatonin is a hormone produced from the neurotransmitter serotonin and secreted by the photosensitive pineal gland in the brain. It is a time keeper in the body, has a daily rhythm that peaks at night (regulating the circadian rhythm) and is also involved with the longer seasonal rhythms.

The retina (in the eye) and the gut both play a part in its production - the messages passing through the body via the autonomic and enteric nervous systems (both systems affected by stress).

Its functions go beyond inducing sleep. It helps regulate other hormones, strengthens the immune system, has temperature-lowering effects and is an anti-inflammatory and potent antioxidant.

Based on this information here are some practical things to do today to help you sleep better:

1. Melatonin likes the dark. In our lifestyles now we don't actually go to bed when it gets dark and get up with the morning light - but it is a good idea to try to observe more of that rhythm in your life if you are having difficulty sleeping. Turn the lights down low in your home at night creating a quiet ambiance.

2. Blue light is worse than red light for producing melatonin. Blue light is what is emitted by our computers and laptops, so if you are working long hours on your computer, and especially late into the night, you are disrupting your natural sleep patterns. Turn the computer off earlier than you normally would and/or move away from the computer screen (if you leave your computer on overnight). Experiment and document exactly how the reduced hours on your computer affect your sleep.

3. Download the f.lux software on to your computer to reduce the bright lights it emits at night (Mac and PC compatible).

4. Use incandescent light rather than fluorescent light.

5. Walk for 40 minutes or more at least 4 times a week, preferably in the morning - to reset your rhythm and wake you up properly (particularly if you didn't sleep well the night before). It is preferred to not wear sun-block (to let the vitamin D in), and without sunglasses. The morning light will reset your rhythm for the day, allowing your body to feel tired at the end of the day, based on this rhythm. Other advantages of walking are that it is proven to relieve stress and anxiety, is a natural anti-depressant, and gives you some physical exercise and exertion which will improve your health and attitude generally. (Good exercise will help you regulate your weight which affects other sleep disorders including snoring and sleep apnea.)

6. Melatonin has temperature lowering effects. It has been shown that a normal good night's sleep is spread 6 hours before the point of your lowest body temperature, and two hours afterward. Sleep cool, rather than being too hot in bed. When your core body temperature is reduced by 0.3 °C you can fall asleep. Work with cool temperatures for your best night's sleep. Do not sleep under heavy doonas/duvets which cause overheating. Sleep temperatures over 32°C start reducing your beneficial rapid eye movement sleep - which is 5 °C cooler than normal body temperature!

7. Any stress reducing activities will improve the body's neurological messaging systems. Have a look at your relaxation times, giving yourself some creative, fun time every day. Ensure that your life is meaningful, contributory and personally rewarding.

There are many other ways, apart from the methods suggested here, to sleep better without using supplements and drugs - and we suggest you try them first. E.g. it could be that you are intolerant to a food additive or coloring, your insomnia might be a side effect of a medication you are taking, etc. Get informed from a reliable source.

We suggest trying the above solutions before supplementation as it may not be necessary.

Melatonin is used as a chronobiotic (time shifting medicine), and has been shown to help with jet lag, shift work, blind subjects, delayed sleep phase (particularly relevant to teenagers) and the elderly (who produce less as they get older). If you are going to trial this supplement, timing is important - look at 7 pm or dusk as starting times.

And of course, if you are a shift worker or have jet lag, those times may not be appropriate. According to the respected medical research publication Elsevier, no long term data exists on its use. http://www.SleeplessNoMore.com

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Can't Get To Sleep? Melatonin Supplements May Help

If you can't get to sleep at night, you may be thinking about melatonin supplements.? Many people would like to try melatonin for sleep, but they don't really know much about it.? Here are answers to your questions.

What Is Melatonin?

This hormone is produced by your body from tryptothan, an amino acid.? It's made by the pineal gland in your brain.? Your body produces more of it in the late afternoon and evening hours, as the amount of daylight is dropping.

As the levels of this hormone rise, you start to feel sleepy.? Early in the morning, as it gets lighter, the body makes less of it, and you start waking up.

Why Use Melatonin For Sleep?

Sometimes people have trouble falling asleep.? Sometimes it's because they have lower levels of this important hormone in their bodies.

Children have the highest levels, and they usually have no trouble getting to dreamland.? But as you age, your levels tend to drop, which explains why insomnia in the elderly is more common.? Older folks often find that taking melatonin supplements a half hour to two hours before bedtime will help them to drop off faster.

People who work odd shifts can have a hard time getting to sleep because their internal clocks get messed up from being up at night.? Some shift workers say these supplements help them, others say they don't.? The best way to see if it benefits you is to try it.

Traveling across time zones is a sure way to disrupt your internal clock.? This is called jet lag, and it's a common problem for air travelers.

To prevent this problem, it's recommended that you take melatonin for jet lag the day you leave, and then take it again when you want to go to bed at your destination.? You should take it for several days.? It doesn't work for everyone, but again, it doesn't hurt to give it a try.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Sometimes there are.? The good thing is that any side effects you may experience will go away as soon as you stop taking it.? It can cause drowsiness, so it's best not to take melatonin before you get in the car to drive somewhere, or if you operate heavy machinery at work.

Some people experience headaches, dizziness, and irritability.? Others feel groggy the next morning when they get up.? A few people report vivid dreams, too.

Always check with your doctor before taking this supplement, as it can interact with blood pressure medications, coumadin, and antidepressants, among others.? Avoid taking it if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, too.

Can these supplements help you get a good night's rest?? Try this natural sleep aid for yourself, and find out.

Click on the pretty blue letters to enter Natural Health And Wellness Tips, a magical world filled with sunshine and bunny rabbits. Umm, not really. Actually, you can read articles on natural health and healing, sign up for a natural remedies newsletter, and download ebooks filled with herbal cures. You can even tell Darlene Norris what you want her to write about next!

What are you waiting for? Click on http://naturalhealthandwellnesstips.com right now. You know you want to.

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2012年8月30日 星期四

Melatonin and Sleep

If you've been struggling with sleep problems such as insomnia, there's a pretty good chance that you've already tried to find relief in the form of prescription medications. Did you know, though, that a deficiency of the hormone known as melatonin can sometimes be to blame? If so, taking a melatonin supplement can help you regain a normal sleep schedule - and your health.

What Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally secreted in your brain. It is a major component of your body's natural circadian rhythm, which regulates your sleep and wake cycle. As people age, their bodies start producing lower levels of melatonin; when that occurs, the ability to fall asleep - and stay asleep - can become inhibited. This is why it's not unusual at all for middle aged and older persons to have these problems. In lieu of many other kinds of medication, a compounding pharmacy can customise a prescription for melatonin for those who are having difficulty sleeping.

Who Benefits From Taking Melatonin?

Melatonin can be particularly helpful to those who work in positions that require for them to be awake at unusual times as it helps to keep your circadian rhythm in check. For example, factory shift workers or hospital staff who work night shifts generally have trouble as their internal body clock continuously becomes confused; melatonin supplementation can even things out and make sleeping easier and more beneficial. Older persons whose levels of melatonin have dropped can also benefit from taking it. Finally, children can take melatonin safely; those who take medication for ADHD, especially, often do well on a melatonin regimen.

Side Effects Of Melatonin Usage -

One of the biggest complaints that people have about various kinds of sleep aids is that they cause a bevy of unpleasant - and sometimes very harmful - side effects. Upon waking up the morning after taking melatonin, people don't have the drowsy, unpleasant feeling that often goes along with other forms of sleep medication. Your compounding pharmacy can customise a dosage of melatonin that will give you the proper amount; if you do feel drowsy when taking melatonin, that dosage might need to be changed.

Compounding: Helping You Sleep -

There's no doubt about it: Compounding helps patients in all areas of their lives. Considering how very important sleep is, it is reasonable to say that compounding and melatonin work together to improve the lives of countless people each and every day. By getting enough healthy sleep, you increase your odds of being healthy in general; those who miss out on vital sleep generally have tendencies of being less healthy and inturn frequently become ill as opposed to their well rested counterparts.

A modern compounding pharmacy such as Dallas Parade Pharmacy helps patients in a number of important ways. There are many different types of prescription medication available, but melatonin supplements are among the most natural and beneficial for getting a good night's sleep.

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Weighted Blankets for Sleep Difficulties in Children With Autism

You may or may not have heard of "Weighted Blankets " - if however, you have endless issues with sleepless or interrupted nights with children with Autism or similar disorders, it may very well be the best thing you have ever heard of.

As a young girl (too many years ago) I spent most of my nights wondering the house without a thought of sleep. As I grew my sleep difficulties came along for the ride. The impact of these sleepless nights was not something I understood for a very long time. Now in my forties I am well and truly understanding what going without sleep can do to not only your energy but also the impact it can have all around our daily lives.

As I said, I am now in my 40's and these issues are still a problem for me, however now-a-days there are bigger issues that led me to my appreciation of using Weighted Blankets for sleep. In late 2010 my two very young sons were diagnosed with Autism. Both of these boys are on the spectrum but are very different in many ways. The one way that they did not differ was that neither of them "Just slept ". Having other members in the family and my own age, made it difficult to deal with the seemingly endless nights of constant battles to obtain sleep. It seemed most nights that we would finally settle one child and the next would step in to take his place, meaning that total sleep for us consisted of maybe a couple of uninterrupted hours and even then it would be either on the floor beside their beds or in our bed with both boys stretched out and pushing against us in the middle of the bed.

Once diagnosed we attempted sleep with the chemist made version of Melatonin. It took a few drops and for the first time both my boys were asleep within 30 minutes. Melatonin was great.... and so it went, however it started to take a few more drops to put them to sleep then it lasted a little less time (wakening at 3am) and then we started to realise how much of this chemist supply we were going through with two children using it. The cost for Melatonin varies but we never found it for less than about $55 per bottle (very small bottle) We were using more and more with less and varied results. This was about the time that I had the opportunity to try a Weighted Blanket. I had heard of them before, I remember that I dismissed the idea because my boys never would leave a sheet or blanket on, so I assumed that they would not leave the blanket on either. Then also there was the cost. Too much I thought to take the risk that they did not use it. --- I could not have been more wrong and I'm very happy that I was, my older son (now 5) took to the blanket quite well and started to sleep better in under a week. Jayden who was then still 2 (almost 3) did not like the idea of his legs being covered and also likes his arms free, for him we placed the blanket across the core of his body and left his legs and arms free. - During that week our last bottle of Melatonin ran out and we have not had to buy one since.

Now I am not saying that life is perfect, that is a bit much to ask from a blanket, however we will never do without the blankets again.

The big question - How do they work?

I could make it complicated and talk about "Deep pressure therapy" and " Spatial Awareness" but to keep it simple I will explain it this way. The Melatonin that was produced by my local chemist can just as easily be produced by our own bodies. A simple example is that when we receive a hug, our bodies' natural response is to release a chemical called Serotonin. This is what makes us feel good. Serotonin is our natural relaxant, but it is also much more. When the sun goes down and it is time for sleep, the Serotonin in our body changes. Melatonin is what is produced at night time and is necessary for sleep. Having the all over cuddle of a weighted blanket helps this Melatonin production and therefore helps with natural calming sleep.

Around April last year I started to stock and sell resources for families in our area with children who have ASD. The first thing we put out to show families were Weighted Blankets. We now stock not only blankets but weighted wraps sized for car travel or school. Both my sons have one of these smaller lap blankets in their bags in the classroom. They use them not for sleep but for calming when pressures in the classroom get too much. We also use blankets for their laps while travelling in the car. It keeps them calmer and allows me to concentrate on driving safely rather than dealing with meltdown. If you are dealing with sleepless children, do not wait. Make one or buy one or if you are lucky enough to find someone who will part with it borrow one. But one way or another give them a try. It took a week for my boys so be prepared that it may not happen the first night, but it may very well be the best investment for yours and you child's health that you ever make.

You are welcome to take a look at our weighted blankets - visit us anytime at http://www.forourspecialsomeone.com

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Melatonin For Insomnia - One Alternative Sleep Aid

There are three known sites of melatonin production in the body the small intestine, the pineal gland in the brain and the retina in the eye.

How is melatonin produced?

The amount of light striking the retina determines whether more serotonin or melatonin is produced. When daylight hits the eyes, a message or a nerve impulse is sent to the pineal gland which then produces serotonin through a series of chemical reactions. Darkness stops the production of serotonin and stimulates the production of melatonin. Melatonin stimulates the release of a wide variety of other hormones. Thus, melatonin regulates or influences many body processes. Located in the brain above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows the pineal gland is a small cone-shaped structure the master gland in the body. In the pineal gland tryptophan is converted to serotonin. An enzyme serotonin-N-acetyl-transferase (NAT) in conjunction with vitamin B6 controls the amount of melatonin produced. The activation of this enzyme dependent on signals induced by light hitting the retina,and information relayed from other parts of the brain. The pineal gland is our biological clock that controls our awake and sleep cycles, but strongly influences the aging processes and weight gain. It may actually establish the basic rhythm of life for every organ, tissue and cell within the body and the onset of puberty.

Melatonin is made from an amino acid called tryptophan. The body cannot make tryptophan on its own; the food we eat must provide it. The food first must be broken down and the tryptophan is absorbed through the small intestine. If our small intestine is not functioning well less tryptophan is converted to serotonin. This effects both our moods, digestion and the energy levels of the body to think and function.

Serotonin is changed to melatonin especially at night while we sleep.

Melatonin is also produced in the intestinal tract continuously, and seems to increase when calories are restricted in the diet. When we eat too much or too fast the digestive processes are overtaxed and food is not effectively broken down or absorbed efficiently. Weight gain, mood swings and lack of sleep are the results. Melatonin has a calming effect on the intestinal tract which slows the process so food can be better digested and sleep more peacefully.

Assessing the integrative health needs of the person and sleep improvement techniques. For more information on developing compassionate and trusting client relations and ways to be calm while your treading through life visit http://www.calmandhealthy.wordpress.com and http://www.quantumenergyworks.wordpress.com leave a question or suggestion for Dr.Stress-Less.

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Fibromyalgia Pain - 11 Helpful Tips For Sleeping Better With Fibromyalgia

Do you toss and turn at night because of the pain and discomfort associated with fibromyalgia?

"People with fibromyalgia tend to have very disturbed sleep," says Doris Cope, MD, director of Pain Management at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine. If you are sleeping 10 hours a night and still feeling exhausted, you are not alone. Insomnia or difficult with sleep is one of the top symptoms connected with this chronic disease. You may have trouble falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, have trouble going back to sleep once you wake up, or wake up too early in the morning. Lack of sleep, and exhaustion can make concentrating during the day more difficult as well, resulting in what is known as fibro fog.

It can be very difficult for your body to recover from the stress of everyday living; this is especially true if you are sleep deprived. Research shows that by improving sleep patterns in both men and women who suffer with fibromyalgia, and can actually reduce their pain and discomfort. Sleep and dreaming are both important for good mental and physical health. Learning how to relax, and ease into bedtime can make for a better night's sleep, and more comfortable days filled with less pain and discomfort too!

These 11 tips can help people sleep better:

1. Soak in a soothing warm bath or hot tub in the evening.

2. Ease painful tender points with self-massage device, apply warm moist heat wraps

3. Exercise every day. Swimming, yoga and stretching exercises to relax.

4. Listen to calming music.

5. Learn to meditate - close off intrusive thoughts and tension at bedtime

6. Sleep in a darkened room, and use ear plugs (if noise is a problem)

7. Keep the room as quiet as possible (Turn on a fan or use a white-noise machine).

8. Keep the bedroom temperature comfortable not too hot or cold.

9. Avoid foods that contain caffeine such as; teas, colas, and chocolate.

10. Try natural remedies such a Valerian root, and melatonin 1 hour before bedtime

11. Go to sleep at the same time each night

Fibromyalgia Disordered sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to "Fibro Fog", so it is important to discover ways to improve your sleep quality. Without adequate sleep your brain function will decrease; it will be more difficult to concentrate, memory function decreases, and decision-making capabilities are compromised. By following the above tips you may find that you sleep better, feel better, and think clearer as well. You can more helpful tips at Fibromyalgia Remedies.

Denise Newman is an RN who personally knows that chronic illness can be difficult to live with. Overcoming any disease process involves staying informed, doing research, and never giving up on yourself. Her website Fibromyalgia Remedies was created to help other women & men stay motivated to keep moving, keep living, and understand that their health is important, and as much as you want to hide away, it's not the answer!

Don't let the fibromyalgia pain, and fibromyalgia symptoms hold you back. You only get one life, keep moving, keep living, your worth every bit of effort it takes to be healthy!

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2012年8月29日 星期三

A Melatonin Natural Sleep Aid Can Provide You With the Sleep You Need

Have you considered using a melatonin natural sleep aid to ease your sleeplessness? If you haven't then maybe you're struggling to get the sleep you need night after night, or you're choosing to use another sleep aid which might have some serious negative side effects. Instead of using sleep aids which may become harmful over time, isn't it time to consider a natural, safe alternative?

Nature's Cure to Sleeplessness

Did you know that your body naturally produces melatonin? Melatonin is the hormone which your body makes to help you to begin to feel sleepy. It regulates your sleep patterns and helps to ensure that you get the sleep you need night after night. This is nature's way of ensuring that our bodies get the sleep we need to rejuvenate and face the next new day.

Sometimes, our sleep cycles get thrown off because we aren't able to make the melatonin the body needs, or we begin to fight the natural propensity to become tired when it's time. When this occurs, you might find that melatonin natural sleep aid is more than helpful in allowing you to get to sleep and stay asleep all night long, so that you can wake up feeling rested and ready for each day.

What Are The Benefits?

When you choose to use a melatonin natural sleep aid, you will find that it is non habit forming, so if you're struggling to get sleep due to stress, pain or anxiety, you can safely take melatonin for as long as you need and not suffer from any adverse side effects.

You'll also find that using melatonin won't leave you with any groggy mornings, just a fresh, energized feeling of having gotten a good night of sleep. In addition to being wide awake, you might be excited to find out that you also won't wake up in the middle of the night anymore, because melatonin natural sleep aid will help you to stay asleep all night long.

Plus, when you choose to take a melatonin supplement, you'll find that you can actually improve your sleeplessness over time. This means that you're going to be helping your body to get back on it's own natural sleep cycle, so that over time, you won't even need to use your melatonin natural sleep aid anymore, because your body will be able to get to sleep with no problems at all.

When you're seeking a way to get to sleep that will help you get to sleep, stay asleep and function better every single day, then you should consider choosing to use a natural aid to help your body relax and give you the restful sleep that you really need. There's no reason to suffer through with sleepless nights when you can use a melatonin natural sleep aid.

Charles Moore provides information and resources on many sleep problems and treatments. Melatrol is a natural sleep aid with melatonin. It may just be the help you need to get better sleep naturally. Visit 'Sleep Disorders' http://apneasleepdisorders.com/

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Understanding and Improving Sleep

If you can't fall asleep, people around you will tell you to avoid eating too much before sleep; drinking caffeine, sugar, or alcohol. Those things can keep you awake. But what will let you fall asleep without having to count sheep or hypnotize yourself? There are foods that give you the balance your body needs. Here's what you need to know.

Sugar levels trigger your adrenaline hormone to rise. This keeps you pumped up and impedes your body from relaxing and switching off to sleep. A diet low in glycemic load (GL) steadies blood sugar levels and gives you just enough energy through the night. A low GL level helps you feel full for longer hours and stops the hunger attacks before going to sleep.

When night falls, your body prepares itself for sleep. How your body knows this is thanks to the central nervous system's activation of its main inhibitory neurotransmitter known as gamma aminobutyric or GABA. Studies establish that GABA receptors favor sleep. They also influence other neurotransmitters like noradrenalin, serotonin, and dopamine, which aid your body in becoming calm and relaxed. Stimulants such as caffeine found in coffee, sodas, and some teas, disrupt the role of GABA and keep you awake. Low GABA levels also become factors for feeling anxious or depressed, which are common sleep stoppers. Currently, prescription medications are available to supplement levels of GABA to improve sleep.

You should also take note of the following:

- Tryptophan, linked to the production of melatonin, is a good sleep inducer. This is found in nuts, seeds, eggs, chicken, cheese, and milk.

- Supplements rich in folic acid, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C aid in the production of melatonin.

- Minerals like magnesium and calcium help you avoid cramps and muscle twitches during sleep. These are found in leafy veggies, milk, seafood, and nuts.

With conscious effort and help from a doctor or nutritionist, determine the foods that might be interfering with sleep. Changing your diet to ensure you are getting the right substances for your body will make a good night's sleep easily within your reach.

To further induce good sleep, try Sobakawa buckwheat pillows [http://bedspillows.com/pillows/buckwheat-pillows/sobakawa-buckwheat-pillows-and-other-organic-pillow-choices]. To learn more about the best types of pillows and beddings, visit Beds & Pillows [http://bedspillows.com/].

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Melatonin For Insomnia - A Natural Sleep Aid

Melatonin for insomnia may be the best natural insomnia treatment and many people who suffer from this condition are giving it a try. Melatonin is naturally produced by the brain and it maintains your natural sleep rhythm by responding to darkness and light in your surroundings. Your sleep cycle or daily cycle of your body rhythm is caused your circadian rhythm. Your body goes through it every day and it is affected by the levels of hormones which are currently rising or falling.

For instance, your kidneys are in tune with these daily rhythms because they produce less urine at night than they do during the day. These changes that occur daily are completely normal and are the reason that we can function well during the day when we need to and sleep at night. A person who works nights might find that for a while they have a hard time getting their circadian rhythm to adjust to this new schedule.

Melatonin Can Help You Get Better Sleep

When a person is suffering with sleeplessness it is thought that taking melatonin for insomnia can help to get you back on a healthy sleep schedule and reset your circadian rhythm. For most people, melatonin levels rise as it gets dark at night, with a peak between midnight and 2 am. This level of melatonin helps to keep you sleeping during the night.

Once in a while, due to jet lag or spending too many nights awake, your circadian rhythm can become mixed up. Your sleep cycle has been messed with and you will often feel very sleepy during the day, but at night you cannot fall asleep at all. Jet lag causes this when people travel overseas because their bodies are on one time and their location is on another.

A Natural Sleep Aid To Correct Your Sleep Cycle

In these cases, melatonin for insomnia might be the perfect solution as a natural sleep aid. It will help to reset your body clock to your new location so that you can get the rest you need so you can enjoy your travels. When you go home, you might find that you suffer from sleeplessness again, so it's important to take melatonin to get your body back on your home cycle of sleep.

People who work nights will often take melatonin for insomnia due to their work hours. Many times, it's hard for a person to sleep during the day, but when a person who suffers from sleeplessness due to their work hours takes melatonin for their insomnia they will find they sleep better and are more rested when they wake up. Also, on their days off, it might be helpful to take a natural sleep aid, as they would be accustomed to working nights and find it hard to sleep at different hours.

Melatonin for insomnia can be one of the best ways to treat sleeplessness, since it is naturally occurring in the body and you are working to reset your natural body rhythms, you will find it is non habit forming and is very helpful in letting you stay asleep through the night and wake up feeling rested and able to tackle your day.

Charles Moore provides information and resources on many sleep disorders. For more information on natural sleep aids that can help help you to get better sleep naturally, visit "Sleep Disorders." http://apneasleepdisorders.com/

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2012年8月28日 星期二

Melatonin for Sleep Disorder


Melatonin, or 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine, is a hormone produced by

pinealocytes in the pineal gland, located in the brain, but also in the retina

and GI tract. It is a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan.

Melatonin produced in the pineal gland acts as an endocrine hormone since it is

released into the blood. On the other hand, melatonin produced by the retina and

the GI tract is considered a paracrine hormone.

Melatonin helps regulate sleep-wake or circadian rhythms. Normally, production

of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by

light. Melatonin can suppress libido by inhibiting secretion of luteinizing

hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary

gland -- especially in mammals that have a breeding season when daylight hours

are long, such as sheep. Nobel Prize laureate Julius Axelrod performed many of

the seminal experiments elucidating the role of melatonin and the pineal gland

in circadian rhythms. Beta blockers decrease nocturnal melatonin release.

Melatonin is synthesized by various plants such as rice and ingested melatonin

was shown to be capable of reaching and binding to melatonin binding sites in

the brain of mammals. In recent times, melatonin has become available as a drug

and a dietary supplement. It appears to have some use against insomnia and jet

lag. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant which can easily cross cell membranes.

It has been studied for the treatment of cancer, immune disorders,

cardiovascular diseases, depression, seasonal affective disorder, and sexual

dysfunction; no apparent benefit in these has been found.

To synthesize melatonin, serotonin is converted to N-acetylserotonin by the

enzyme 5-HT N-acetyltransferase. N-acetylserotonin is then converted to

melatonin by the enzyme 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase. See serotonin for

details on how tryptophan is converted to serotonin.

Melatonin has been shown to increase the lifespan of mice by 20% in some studies

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Looking for Natural Sleeping Remedies? These Three Sleep Supplements May Help

Sleep supplements may be more important than you think if you're suffering from sleeping problems. Chronic insomnia and restless sleep can often be traced to deficiencies in calcium, magnesium, and even vitamin B-6.

Why do these natural sleeping remedies help? If your body just doesn't produce enough melatonin and serotonin, you're going to have trouble when you hit the hay. The first helps to set your biological clock, which tells you when to sleep and when to wake up. The second regulates your sleep cycles.

New evidence shows that vitamin deficiencies can lead to trouble sleeping. Why? Because your body needs certain nutrients in order to produce the sleep-inducing substances mentioned above. If you're lacking these nutrients, you're probably going to struggle with insomnia. Read on to learn why vitamins for sleep are so important.

Calcium Supports Sleep Patterns

Know why you often feel sleepy after eating turkey? It's because turkey (and even chicken) contains the amino acid tryptothan. Your body uses tryptothan to make both serotonin and melatonin.

But if your calcium levels are too low, tryptothan stays tryptothan, and the result can be long, wakeful nights. This is why dairy products, including milk and yogurt, can help you drift off to dreamland.

Magnesium Is Also A Necessary Nutrient For A Good Night's Rest

Did you know that magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant? This mineral has many uses in the body. If you're plagued with restless nights, and you wake up often, you may need more of this essential mineral. It works with calcium to help your body synthesize the sleep-producing substances you need.

It's best to take calcium and magnesium together to be sure you're getting enough of both.

B-6, The Stress-Busting Vitamin

People who are under a lot of emotional or physical stress are often low on vitamin B-6. It's hard to say if the stress causes the deficiency, or if the deficiency contributes to the stress. Whichever the reason, you may need more B-6 if you have a lot of stress in your life.

What you may not be aware of is that B-6 is used by your body to produce melatonin and serotonin. So if you're running low on B-6, you may also be having trouble catching 40 winks at night.

Natural Sleeping Remedies Are Safe And Effective

Many people try prescription drugs and over-the-counter products in search of a cure for insomnia. But these drugs can be habit-forming. Some can cause you to feel groggy the next day because it's hard to wake up. Others may even cause insomnia if used for too long.

It's entirely possible that your problem may be due to some simple vitamin deficiencies. Try these natural sleep supplements first. You may not need anything else.

Click on the pretty blue letters to enter Natural Health And Wellness Tips, a magical world filled with sunshine and bunny rabbits. Umm, not really. Actually, you can read articles on natural health and healing, sign up for a natural remedies newletter, and download ebooks filled with herbal cures. You can even tell Darlene Norris what you want her to write about next!

What are you waiting for? Click on http://naturalhealthandwellnesstips.com right now. You know you want to.

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Sleeping Aids That Work - A Top 5 List of the Best Sleeping Aids

Are you suffering from Chronic Insomnia? Maybe you simply have occasionally periods of low quality sleep and can't afford to lose any more sleep. Either way, there are sleep aids that cater to us all.

Let's go over a list of the most popular sleep aids and why they may be right for you.

1. Melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring compound in the human body. Melatonin is our sleep regulator. People take melatonin usually after experiencing jet lag as it can help adjust your sleep cycle. Melatonin is all natural and does not produce any notable negative side effects and does not cause addiction or dependency. However, many of the dietary supplements on the market today release Melatonin in much higher doses than needed. In fact, the best dose of Melatonin is between 0.3 and 0.5mg, compared to 3mg and 5mg that they're being sold for. You can simply buy the tablets and cuts them with a knife, pill splitter or razor to take your effective dose.

2. Ambien (Zolpidem)

Ambien is prescribed to alleviate symptoms of short term Insomnia. It is not recommended for those with occasional sleep problems, as it is a powerful drug. Symptoms include Amnesia, which most cases report people doing things they do not remember the night of taking it, delusions, hallucinations, altered thought patterns and a few less notable others. If you suffer from severe Insomnia, or have problems regulating your sleep pattern, Ambien may be able to help.

3. Lunesta (Eszopiclone)

Lunesta is basically a sedative used to put people to sleep. According to clinical trials, it is safe for the elderly and young adults for up to six to twelve months of use. The classic commercial side effects include heart burn, upset stomach, dry mouth, headaches, dizziness and several others. There is also a notable increased risk for depression. Lunesta is recommended for those with Chronic Insomnia.

4. Cold Medicines

My Grandpa takes two Tylenol pills (dosage unknown) every night and he says it works great for him. it's pretty common knowledge that many people take Tylenol, NyQuil or other related medicines to help get to sleep. However, there are many dangers related to taking this route for sleep. Acetaminophen, Tylenol's formula has causes 39% of all liver failures in the US according to Harvard Research studies.

5. Any Antihistamine containing aid

Antihistamines are normally used in allergy medicines, however they've proven to help induce sleep and drowsiness. Common brands include Sominex, Compoz, Nytol and Sleepinal. As with all non-natural sleep aids they can have a risk of dependence and almost always will cause tolerance issues, which in turn lead to significant health dangers.

Find out how you can fall asleep faster at http://www.tipsforsleeping.com/13/how-to-fall-asleep-faster/.

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Doctors Could Save More Sick Babies by Giving Melatonin

Most of us think of melatonin supplements as simply a sleep aid, but what is not talked about much is the fact that melatonin is actually a quite powerful antioxidant. It is SO powerful and so safe that several studies have been done giving melatonin to extremely ill newborn babies, arguably the most vulnerable population group that you could imagine. In every study, melatonin improved these babies' survival rates while not causing any ill effects. So if melatonin is so safe and it improves survival for the sickest newborn babies, why aren't doctors using it?

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the body naturally in the absence of light and helps trigger our bodies into sleep. While it's best known for being produced in the pineal gland, it is also produced in the digestive tract as well. Even though our bodies do produce melatonin, it's also been used for years as a supplement that can be taken in the evening to help with sleep problems or with jet lag. What is less known is that melatonin is actually an amazingly powerful antioxidant that has been shown in studies to be beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, high cholesterol and even cancer. What is even more surprising, however, is that it has been shown in double-blind placebo-controlled trials to be effective at improving infant mortality in the sickest babies imaginable.

Detractors of natural substances claim that there are just not enough studies on the long-term effects of melatonin to say that it is safe enough for people to be taking on a regular basis, but a recent study gave a dose of melatonin 25 TIMES higher than the normal dose used for sleep to almost a thousand women for 3 years with hardly any side effects at all. Formal human studies of that magnitude are not done with substances that are thought to be unsafe, and experimental studies are just simply NOT going to be done on critically ill newborns if doctors are concerned about the safety of the substance being given. In these studies of very sick newborns, melatonin showed that it was certainly safer and more helpful than NOT giving it. In fact in a small study done on critically ill newborns with deadly blood infections, no babies died in the melatonin group while 3 babies died in the 'standard care' group! In two other studies involving newborns requiring life support for lung problems or surgery for heart malformations, the babies treated with melatonin got better sooner than the babies NOT given melatonin.

While these studies showed MAJOR positive outcomes that should have garnered lots of attention by doctors excited to help save sick children, the last of these studies was done in 2005 and no others have been done to follow-up on these positive results. The fact that melatonin has been shown to be safe enough and powerful enough to have critically ill newborns get better faster and even live when others died, says remarkable things about this inexpensive natural supplement. It's too bad that the bias towards pharmaceuticals lets exciting studies like these get almost no attention in the scientific world. As a result, we'll never know if the thousands of babies whose lives are hanging in the balance every year could be helped if doctors were simply giving them a small and safe dose of melatonin.



Kerri Knox, RN is a Registered Nurse and Functional Medicine Practitioner. With over 14 years of experience in health care, she has the unique perspective of being solidly grounded in Conventional Medicine and being well versed in Alternative Medicine.

"Stop managing your illness and start getting well."

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2012年8月27日 星期一

Are You Having Trouble Sleeping? Here's a Simple Cure For Sleep Disorder

If you're having trouble sleeping, there are a few proven techniques you can use to give your body that full nights rest that you need. Whether your restlessness is from jet lag, anxiety or a new baby in the family, your body needs proper rest in order to think clearly and perform at your best.

If you're having trouble sleeping, there are a number of issues that lack of sleep could cause. Of course you'll feel fatigued and have a lack of energy, but most people also experience an uneven temper. They may get frustrated easily, find themselves stressed out over little things, and unable to cope with everyday things.

Lack of sleep can also impair your ability to perform well at work, make good decisions, and communicate effectively. But what happens to your body internally can be a lot worse. The tolls that lack of sleep can have on your overall health are astounding. Sleep disorders can cause high blood pressure, aging, and even lead to heart attack.

No matter what is causing your lack of sleep, there are natural methods and supplements you can use to ease your body in to a full nights rest. As a result, you'll wake up feeling refreshed and have clarity once again. Once method is to increase your levels of Melatonin. This is a natural chemical in your brain that allows you to get that deep sleep at night.

By increasing your levels of Melatonin, you can be sure to fall asleep quickly, rest throughout the night without interruption, and you won't wake up with that groggy feeling that sleeping pills gives you. It's a simple, cheap and effective way to make sure your body gets the rest it needs.

If you're having trouble sleeping, use this simple solution that will allow you to fall asleep within 15 minutes and wake up feeling well-rested.

Get the rest you need

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Is Melatonin For Insomnia a Good Plan For You?

Recent studies have shown that using melatonin for insomnia can make a huge difference in your ability to get restful sleep at night. There are many reasons that this is such a beneficial choice when it comes to sleep aids but there are always pros and cons to consider when making a decision about the best products for your unique situation and circumstances. Keep reading to learn a little more about melatonin for insomnia so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not this is a treatment method you are interested in pursuing.

Melatonin is a substance that is produced naturally within the body. As we age, production slows and the problems related to an inadequate supply often begin. The good news is that this is a product that can be successfully synthesized. You will find many great products available that contain melatonin. There are also products that contain natural melatonin from animals. It is not recommended that you use these products as they may be more potent but open the door to many viral issues that the human body isn't prepared to ward.

Using melatonin is often a good idea in cases of mild insomnia. For extreme cases of insomnia you may need something much stronger than melatonin. If you decide that you want to begin with melatonin it is a good idea to start with a low dose. There are many reasons that this is a good idea. First, it gives you the opportunity to work out the option that works best for you. Second, it gives you room to expand your dosage as your body develops a tolerance for the melatonin. Finally, it provides you with the opportunity to discover which side effects, if any, you will experience from the melatonin. A rare number of people who take melatonin for insomnia experience a slight worsening of depression symptoms. You should also use melatonin for insomnia sparingly in order to limit the potential for developing a tolerance that will render the melatonin ineffective.

When you purchase melatonin, make sure that you are making the purchase from a trusted source. There is no regulation on products like melatonin from the FDA so you will find a wide range of dosages. You want to go with products that are made by reputable companies and that clearly indicate the dosage on the label. It's also a good idea to buy consistently from one source so that you know you are getting consistent quality as well.

As you can see there are many potential benefits to using melatonin for insomnia. Is this a good plan for you and your insomnia needs? Only you can make that choice when all is said and done.

Bethany Jordan is an Information Technology professional and aspiring writer who was clinically diagnosed with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) in 2007.

She maintains a website dedicated to sharing information on natural antidepressants, herbal remedies for anxiety and depression, and anxiety disorders in general. Everyone is welcome and invited to visit http://www.naturalantidepressants.info ...

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Help Getting to Sleep at Night

Have you experimented with melatonin for sleep if you're being affected by insomnia or even another sleep problem? There are many natural treatments which a person may try to be in a position to combat their sleeping disorders and melatonin is one of those likely solutions. You really should give this a test if you've used up other normal suggestions like the reduction of caffeine as well as alcohol consumption before going to sleep.

Just what exactly is melatonin and how can people apply it to have far better slumber? Melatonin is really a natural hormone in your body based in the pineal gland which is based in the human brain. This hormone helps you to manage your sleeping and waking cycles. Melatonin can also be found in some ingredients, including fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, meats and grains. Of course you can additionally purchase melatonin in numerous drug stores or natural food retailers as a health supplement.

Many individuals correlate melatonin with something you could possibly get from being in sunlight. The facts are that being in light does effect the amount of melatonin your system may produce. This is linked to why some individuals may experience what is called periodic depression through the winter season. As a result of reduced sun light, their bodies are producing a reduced amount of melatonin which, along with a prospective loss of sleep, could influence their disposition.

If you want to give melatonin a shot yourself, perform a little bit of research in order to be able to really feel comfortable in the way it may possibly impact you. Searching online or reviewing with your local vitamin store should generate information in order to begin your own exploration. It is also not necessarily a bad thought to get some sunlight each day of the year. A lot of people even use special lights in their house during the winter season to ensure that their particular body will not react so drastically to the deficiency of natural light.

If you're interested in learning more about melatonin for sleep, visit my website where I share information, tips and resource recommendations.

Visit my website at: http://fix-insomnia.com/.

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2012年8月26日 星期日

Treatment For Sleep Disorder Varies

There is no universal cure for sleep disorders. Before any treatment for sleep disorder can be decided, you must be examined and tested to find out what disorder you are suffering from. You can help your doctor by taking notes of the symptoms you are experiencing and keeping any detailed information that could help them determine the cause. Some sleep disorders are cured by changing sleep habits and some environmental factors. Others are more intense and require a thorough diagnosis and various types of treatments.

Insomnia is often cured by changes in sleep hygiene. Cut down caffeine intake and exercise earlier in the day. A normal sleep routine should be put into place. If the condition is related to some other disease, it must be treated in order to treat the insomnia. The symptoms may disappear or be drastically reduced after the other disease is treated. Sedatives are only used for a short period of time and other medications are prescribed by a specialist if the condition is chronic.

Patients suffering from apnea often have to have some sort of medical intervention to cure or reduce symptoms. Weight loss is recommended for anyone who is obese. Often devices are given to assist in breathing while asleep. Surgery is an option for any patients that have conditions such as enlarged tonsils. Sleeping pills should not be taken because they can prevent the sufferer from waking and resuming breathing.

Circadian rhythm disorders are caused due to irregular sleep phases. People who travel frequently or work night shift often get these types of disorders because their sleep and wake times are not normal or they quickly change time zones. Bright light treatment is becoming a more common treatment for these conditions. Melatonin is sometimes used as well; however, it is not very potent sleep aid and does not even compare to the effectiveness of bright light therapy.

Snoring is easily treatable if it is not a symptom of apnea. Doctors tell patients to sleep on their side for better breathing. Alcohol and other stimulants should be avoided. Do not take sleeping pills or any other type of sedative. Over-the-counter drugs specifically designed to help snoring can be used. These include breathing strips, nasal sprays, and devices to help keep the airway open.

Narcolepsy itself has no cure but can be effectively managed through medication. Daytime naps are suggested to take away some of the sleepiness narcolepsy causes. A doctor will often prescribe a stimulant like Ritalin to help the sufferer be more alert during the day. New stimulants are becoming available that are less addictive but are effective at keeping someone with narcolepsy awake. Antidepressants are prescribed to deal with the loss of muscle control.

Each type of disorder is unique with its own set of symptoms. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the cause. It can include changes in sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, medication, surgery, or assisting devices. Before deciding on a treatment, have your symptoms checked out by a doctor or sleep clinic. They will be able to tell you what options you have and will eliminate any unnecessary treatments.

Sleep disorders are sometimes hard to detect and each disorder has its own set of treatment options. A sleep clinic can help determine what the best treatment is for your condition and help you begin getting the rest you need.

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The Function of Melatonin For You

Melatonin, also known chemically as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a naturally occurring compound found in animals, plants, and microbes. In animals, circulating levels of melatonin vary in a daily cycle, thereby regulating the circadian rhythms of several biological functions.

Melatonin is a hormone in every organism with different level, depending on his level cycle and light shelf in his body. This hormone is produced by pineal gland in human brain. It is useful to know the right time for you to sleep and wake up. It is also useful to maintain heart rhythm.

Even, this hormone can support the hormone tissues and metabolism in your body that always changes along your physical activity, mental activity, and stress. Indeed, some researches prove that this hormone can fix mood and reduce stress. It also can give the positive influence to the mood of someone psychologically. Meanwhile, if you have less melatonin, you will be often worried, tired, and angry.

Light influences how much melatonin that can be produced by your body. Melatonin is usually produced in the darkness and it usually instructs you to sleep. The body of teenagers and adults produces 5-25 micrograms of melatonin every night. Of course, this standard will decline along their increasing age. No wonder that many old people experience sleeping disorder.

To get melatonin, you do not need to be dizzy because melatonin supplement has been produced in great quantities. You can also get this hormone from some kinds of food like tomato, ginger, banana, oat, sunflower bean, almond, cherry, and yogurt. Those natural substances make this hormone quite safe to consume.

Melatonin supplement is generally used to cope with insomnia and reduce jet lag. According to Gallup Poll from National Sleep Foundation, USA, a half of Americans uses this hormone to cope with insomnia in 90s.

This hormone is also associated with anti-aging. This statement is based on the study of a researcher from Italy. Some other researches also find that melatonin can prevent cancer, heart disease, and the decline of brain function. Melatonin also can increase the body immunity.

However, women who are enduring a dummy therapy of estrogen hormone should not consume melatonin supplement without doctor control. It is also suggested for pregnant women. Women who plan a pregnancy are also suggested not to consume this supplement.

In a research that is done to animals, this hormone can tighten the blood vessel, so it can increase blood pressure. Therefore, for people who get hypertension and cardiovascular disturbance, they should consult with their doctor before consuming this supplement. This supplement is also not suggested to consume by lymphoma and leukemia patients, and also by children.

If you want to consume this supplement, you should start from the small dose, about 0,1-0,3 mini-grams or less. Because its absorption is fast, you can consume it 30 minutes before sleeping.

Overall, the prominence of melatonin includes helping you to sleep and cope with insomnia, increasing the quality of sleeping, and helping to cope with jet lag. In addition, it does not make you "fly" like Phenobarbital.

Stewart Johnston is the author for this article. Find out more information about loft bed frame and full size platform beds for your profound sleep.

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Melatonin - Natural Sleep Aid

Melatonin, also known chemically as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a natural hormone made by our body from serotonin and secreted by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located just above the middle of the brain. During the day this gland is inactive, and when the darkness occurs it turns active and starts producing melatonin. Melatonin controls the sleepiness and wakefulness.

When the darkness impacts the retina of the eye melatonin begins to be secreted and then this secretion is stopped when the retina detects light. The retina possesses photoreceptor cells that send signals regarded the light status to the brain and then to the pineal gland. In this way the pineal gland, depending of the factor that is acting, light or darkness, turns inactive or active to the melatonin production. During nighttime hours melatonin generation peaks and this leads to physiological changes that initiate sleep. On the other hand, during the day since light inhibits melatonin production there are wakefulness and alertness.

Once you know this, you are going to start seeing melatonin as a sleep aid. It is easy to arrive to the conclusion that if this is the hormone which induces sleepiness, then if a sleep difficulty arrives, melatonin supplements can be the solution.

Melatonin is found in small amounts in vegetables and fruits, such as cherries and bananas, in cereals, meats, aromatic plants, olive oil and wine. But, you can also buy it as a supplement. Melatonin supplements are used it to treat sleep disorders, such as insomnia. Here in United States melatonin supplements are available over the counter in almost all drug stores. You can buy this food supplement, as it is sold, without a prescription. However, a prescription can be required in other countries. Melatonin supplements come in tablets, capsules, liquid form and transdermal patches. The dosage of this supplement usually contains more than the necessary amount to produce physiologic blood melatonin levels for promoting sleep. Many studies suggest that doses of 0.3 mg are effective for promoting sleep; others suggest that at least 2 mg will be necessary. People usually consume higher doses (2 to 5 mg). The amount of melatonin that the body secretes tends to decline with age, so maybe there is a connection between this fact and the sleep difficulties experienced by elderly. Although the controversy in regard with the appropriate dosage, the scientific community suggests to start with the lowest dosage and then increase it if the desired effect is not reached.

Today, there are a lot of people who benefit from melatonin supplements consumption. So, if you are one of those people who suffer from sleeping difficulty, you can consider this supplement as part of the solution to your problem. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now and do not spend more time suffering the consequences of sleep deprivation.

For more information about alternative green and natural treatments or alternative natural green pharmacy products you can visit My Green Pharmacy web site.

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2012年8月25日 星期六

How Can a Melatonin Natural Sleep Aid Help You Get Better Sleep?

If you've heard of a melatonin natural sleep aid and are considering trying one to help you through some sleepless nights, then you are making a wise decision, because its natural. When you can't fall asleep or have trouble staying asleep, you sometimes need a little help and natural solutions don't come with the side effects of many prescription medications.

Other Sleep Aids

Many sleep aids can be habit forming, which means that you are no closer to curing your sleeplessness now than you were when you started taking the sleeping pills. Now, you could be reliant on them or addicted to them and if you go without them, you might find that you just don't sleep. Many contain antihistamines, which will cause you to fall asleep, but over the long term can cause you to suffer with problems such as memory loss.

You might also find that you wake up in the middle of the night or wake up feeling as if you've been drugged or you're hung over. In a way, you have been medicating yourself and you may not be sleeping as well as your body needs you to when you're taking these sleep aids, so it's a good idea to try something else.

How Can A Melatonin Sleep Aid Help?

Life is stressful and life can throw us a curve ball when we least expect it. How many nights have you stayed up late so that you could get a job done or go out with friends? Have sick kids? Yes, then you have been up late before. When you add this to stress and anxiety, which can keep your body from fully relaxing, you might find that your body's internal clock has gone a little bit off kilter. This is when a melatonin natural sleep aid can really come in handy.

See, our bodies produce melatonin, which is a natural hormone that helps us to begin to relax and get ready for sleep. It is this hormone that makes us feel sleepy and it usually starts kicking in when it gets dark outside. Sometimes, however, our bodies don't produce enough melatonin to override all the other factors in our lives. When this happens often enough, it can cause us to feel restless and suffer from sleeplessness.

When you choose to take a melatonin natural sleep aid, you are simply giving your body the boost of melatonin that it already makes so that you can fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling refreshed and rested. This sleep aid is non habit forming, since it's found in your body already and studies show that it actually helps to stimulate your body into making more melatonin over time, so your sleeplessness will truly be "just a phase" that you're going through and not a permanent condition.

If you are looking for a way to treat your sleeplessness, a melatonin natural sleep aid is worth a try. Try it and see if you don't wake up feeling fresh, alert and ready to take on the world.

Charles Moore provides information and resources on many sleep problems and treatments. A melatonin supplement, such as Melatrol natural sleep aid will help you find the rest you need. Visit 'Sleep Disorders' today, to start getting better sleep tonight. http://apneasleepdisorders.com/

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Melatonin - Your Sleep Depends on It

A good night's sleep for you depends on the amount of sleep melatonin your body produces. The quality of your sleep depends on the natural rise and fall of melatonin present. Most of us have normal levels of melatonin until we reach age 25 or so. By the time we reach the age of 60, our melatonin levels decrease significantly and cause difficulty in being able to sleep. This has the potential to lead to instances of insomnia and a need to consider taking sleep melatonin supplements.

Although not approved by the Food and Drug Administration or prescribed by doctors, the good news is that sleep melatonin supplements are sold over the counter in many drug and retail stores. It is recommended that you read the instructions on the packaging label for proper doses of the supplement. If just trying to obtain a good night sleep and remain asleep,.3 milligrams will suffice. However, if finding that taking the supplement in such a small dose is not enough, try increasing it in.3 milligram increments to obtain the desired results.

Being able to have a restful night is essential to the start of a productive day. Sleep melatonin is also very effective in individuals who have traveled over multiple time zones and find it difficult to sleep when returning to their point of departure. If your occupation requires shift work, you will find using melatonin supplements very helpful in getting to sleep should you work and night and need sleep during the day.

Click here to read more about sleep melatonin. And what you can do to get rid of your sleeping problems.

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Type 2 Diabetes - Low Melatonin Levels Produced By The Brain May Help Cause Diabetes

Melatonin is a hormone involved in our normal 24 hour sleep-wake cycle. It is secreted by the pineal (pine cone-shaped) gland in the brain, and is secreted more at night than during the day. Jet lag, night work, and poor eyesight are all conditions in which normal melatonin schedules are disrupted.

Insomnia is a problem seen frequently in people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and researchers at the University of Surrey in Guildford, in the United Kingdom, compared melatonin levels in diabetics with those of non-diabetic men.

Their study, published in June 2012 in PLoS One, included 45 to 65 year-old men. The melatonin levels were found to be higher:

in both lean and obese non-diabetic men, than
in the obese Type 2 diabetic men.

Both obese and lean non-diabetic men were found to produce more melatonin at night than did the men with Type 2 diabetes.

From the above information, it was concluded melatonin could possibly play a role in the development of Type 2 diabetes.

In August of last year investigators at the Geriatric Medical Center in Pardes Hana, Israel, reported the results of a study on melatonin for treating insomnia in diabetes. Their work, published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, included 36 older people suffering with both insomnia and Type 2 diabetes.

The people given melatonin supplements showed significant improvement in their sleep. After 5 months, the older people taking melatonin also showed a 1 per cent improvement in their HbA1c percentage.

From this study, the researchers concluded melatonin was effective for treating insomnia and also blood sugar control.

Although melatonin supplements are available, they should only be taken with caution. Common side effects include:

daytime drowsiness,
dizziness, and

Abdominal discomfort, mild anxiety, irritability, confusion, and depression have also been reported.

It can also interact with other medications, including anti-diabetic drugs. Other drugs with which it interacts include:

anticoagulants (medications that slow clotting or dissolve clots),
immunosuppressants (mediations that suppress the immune system), and
oral contraceptives.

Melatonin should be taken only with the knowledge and advice of your doctor. Many people think that as melatonin is a hormone which is part of the normal sleep-wake cycle, they can take increased doses to help them fall asleep more quickly. The hormone plays a role in insulin regulation, so people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes need to use particular caution in using supplements. Doses also vary widely, from 0.5 mg to 5.0 mg. It is not recommended for long-term use, so should usually not be used for more than two months.

How do you start to create a healthy lifestyle today so you can avoid feeling stressed due to lack of restful sleep?

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Melatonin and Sleep - The Connection

When it comes to insomnia there is one natural sleep remedy that has been proven effective by many individuals already and it is called melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the human body. To understand the connection between sleep and melatonin, you need to understand the whole process of relaxation and the the circadian rhythm or what is commonly termed as body clock.

Melatonin is released by the body during night time. When the body realizes that darkness has fallen through receptors in the eyes, the circadian rhythm is set and the pineal gland converts stoniness, another hormone in the body, and turn it into melatonin. The secretion of melatonin makes the body calmer and more relaxed which in turn induces sleep.

In order for the body to produce and release enough melatonin, a person needs to respect his own body clock. Which means should sleep when it is dark and wake up upon sunrise. It is also advisable that an individual sleep in total darkness because it is in darkness that melatonin is produced and released. Just a little light can disrupt the production of melatonin by the body. If you notice light sleeping inside your room through the window when you are sleeping then you must get a light proof drapes that will clock out all external sources of light from your room.

The good news for people who find it hard to sleep at night is that melatonin can now be taken in pill form through food supplements that contain the hormone. Because it is natural, this hormone does not cause any adverse side effects and can be taken regularly for up to three months.

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2012年8月24日 星期五

Sleep Patterns and the Need For Sleep

So how do you know if you are getting enough sleep? Research from Britain and the USA has found that more than one in four adults feel they suffer three bad nights of sleep each week. ON a very simple level, it does depend on how you feel - poor sleep will leave you feeling tired and sluggish the following day - though there are other tests you can do to see if you have a more serious sleep problem. First, let's look at a 'normal' day.

Our lives are governed by an internal 'clock' that sets out the rhythm of peaks and troughs we experience during the day. This clock is called the 'circadian rhythm' and it governs everything from hormone production to when we feel like going to bed. We are all at our most sleepy in the early hours of the morning and again in the early afternoon, which might be why work can seem like a chore just after lunch. The circadian rhythm doesn't work alone however, it works along with other factors, such as light - light can actually reset our clock, for example when we travel through time zones.

Through the release of the hormone melatonin, our internal clocks start gently telling our body, a few hours before we go to bed, that sleep is approaching. By releasing the stress hormone cortisol into our bloodstream, our internal clock also prepares us for the new day a few hours before the alarm sounds. For our body clock to get the release of hormones correct, light is essential. This is why the glare from a street light invading your bedroom can make it hard to sleep - you might know it's night-time, but your body can't tell the difference between electricity and the sun.

So, if you feel perky in the morning, a little sluggish after lunch and then more alert in the evening, you are probably getting your sleep balance right. However, if you dread the sound of the alarm and spend the morning in a daze, tetchy and distressed, and you find yourself suffering from frequent colds and viruses, you are probably sleep deprived. There can be a large number of reasons for this, such as:

• Birth of a new baby

• Menopause

• Pressure at work

• Overactive thyroid gland

• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

• Anxiety

• Bereavement

• Illness

• Depression

• ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

• Shift work

• Penchant for late night parties

• Overuse of stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and nicotine

• Sleep apnoea (breathing difficulties that cause you to wake repeatedly)

• Snoring partner

• Jet lag

• Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS), making it impossible to fall asleep until early morning

• Ageing

It may even be the short term, regular effects of another cycle; premenstrual syndrome is known to cause sleeplessness. Although chronic sleep deprivation (which means you are literally falling asleep during the day) can be rectified over a couple of nights, a slow build up of sleep loss, even an hour or so a night, can affect your long-term health and make you susceptible to illness, weight gain and even premature death.

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Natural Remedies For Sleep Anxiety Relief

Most people have felt night-time anxiety many times in their lives; however if you are one of the millions of people who suffer from bedtime anxiety on a daily basis; you know that sometimes even thinking about getting into bed can be an anxiety inducing situation; and you no doubt could use some anxiety relief. If you have ever found yourself lying awake at night hour after hour listening to the clock - and your own heart beat racing - you may be suffering from panic disorder.

Many people who suffer from anxiety and insomnia find anxiety relief from traditional doctors and psychiatrists. Getting help from either can be daunting, however; as taking prescription medications to manage your anxiety can affect your health and cause dependence. Some people take over the counter sleep aids; although many times (more often than not) they are left feeling groggy and not at all well rested in the morning.

A lot of people who have been in this situation who, rather than risk their health, have sought out more natural remedies to help them through their daily lives. Doing research into my own sleep anxiety problems I have found quite a few things that have worked for me and I hope that after reading this, you can be helped, too.

Below are a few things that, while not every remedy works for everyone; and after trial and error, could lead you down a path to getting relief from your sleep and anxiety issues.

Melatonin: Melatonin is a naturally occurring chemical found in plants and animals. It has been used in the U.S. since the mid 1990's as a natural sleep aid which works by helping you to get to sleep faster. Taking a tablet, which you can find in most health stores, about 30 minutes before bed can greatly reduce the amount of time you lie awake.

Valerian Root: Smells like dirty gym socks but works like a charm! This herb is sold in capsules or tablets and found over the counter. Valerian root has been shown to have sedative-like effects on many people; and has been used for just this reason since the time of ancient Rome. Hippocrates dug it and hopefully you will, too.

Calcium and magnesium supplements: Drinking a warm glass of milk before bed has been known as an insomnia remedy for eons. Did you know that the reason this works is because of the calcium and magnesium in the milk? Taking both right before bedtime can aid in getting to sleep faster and staying asleep longer.

Meditation: For centuries people have been using meditation to get a handle on their anxiety. As little as ten minutes a day can help to relax you. Meditation can help to teach you relaxing breathing techniques; and allow you to feel chilled out and rested immediately after; and allow you to feel calmer when going to bed.

In conclusion, if you are either not very keen on taking prescription medications or have tried these medicines only to find that they don't bring anxiety relief to you, please give some of these suggestions a try. As always, talk to your doctor before trying any of the herbal supplements. While they are generally known to be safer than most narcotic sleep aids, if you have a pre-existing condition they can exacerbate that.

Just because they are natural does not make them 100% side effect free; and only your doctor will know if they could affect you adversely.

Good luck and sleep well!


I am Becca Jordan.

As a long time sufferer of sleep anxiety; I have spent many hours researching and trying different types of anxiety relief.

I hope you found this article helpful.

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ADHD Natural Remedies: Melatonin For Sleep Problems

Children and adults with ADHD often have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Sometimes this is due to the stimulant medications they take, but sleep problems are one of the more overlooked components in the ADHD spectrum of symptoms. Some experts believe that insomnia is a form of hyperactivity and inattention, especially if the mind jumps from one thought to another despite a dark, quiet environment. There are many ways to overcome insomnia and get a good night's sleep, but if all else fails, it is possible to use ADHD natural remedies like melatonin supplements to deal with sleep problems in children and adults.

Melatonin is a hormone naturally made and secreted by the body's pineal gland. Aside from regulating the functions of other hormones, melatonin's key role is to maintain the circadian rhythm - the body's internal clock that tells us when to fall asleep and when to wake up. Normally, light suppresses melatonin production whereas darkness stimulates its secretion, but this is not the case among individuals with ADHD. It's common for a person with ADHD to have disrupted melatonin cycles, as shown by their staying wide awake at night and feeling sleepy during the day. It's important for kids with ADHD to get at least eight hours of sleep every night; otherwise, their irritability, inattention, and mood becomes aggravated the next day.

Melatonin supplements are available in most health food stores in small doses of 3mg - 5mg. If taken appropriately, melatonin can induce sleepiness and restore the circadian rhythms of someone with ADHD. A study by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recently ran a trial on melatonin supplementation and sleep problems among children with ADHD. After nine child participants received 6mg of melatonin supplements, researchers observed that they were able to fall asleep after 51 minutes, as opposed to 99 minutes without melatonin. The study found no adverse reactions to melatonin supplementation.

There are no guidelines on melatonin supplementation for children, but it might be best to start with the lowest dose possible. Adults can start with a 3mg dose and increase or decrease as recommended by their doctors. Melatonin might interact with antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and stimulant medications, so consult your physician before taking melatonin to help you sleep.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about ADHD natural remedies.

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St John's Wort As a Remedy For Sleep

St. John's Wort is an effective remedy for sleep problems as well as mood swings and depression. This plant dates back to ancient Greece. Ancients like Dioscorides, Pliny and Hippocrates all recorded using the plant, which they called Hypericum. In medieval times it was placed under pillows on St. John's Eve in order to protect the people for the following year. Today, many people use it as a natural alternative to anti-depressants but it is effective in treating sleep disorder as well.

In dozens of scientific studies, St. John's Wort has been reported to increase deep sleep without a "hangover" the next morning. It increases the secretion of melatonin, which is a natural hormone that your body produces at night. St. John's Wort has also been shown to have a positive effect on anxiety and it helped people dealing with seasonal effective disorder.

The chemicals hypercin and hyperforin, which are present in St. John's Wort, interact with your body's chemical messengers that regulate mood. Since depression is often a cause of insomnia, alleviating mood imbalances can help you sleep. It can be taken every day in doses of 900 to 1800 milligrams for adults. It is recommended that you take the herb for one to three months to see if it will work for you. Different people may have different responses to the drug and it can take a few weeks to see the effects.

The only warnings that come with taking St. John's Wort is that it can cause serious reactions with other herbs, prescription drugs and supplements. It should not be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It can also cause your skin to become sensitive to the sun, so you should wear sunblock outdoors. St. John's Wort is not recommended if you have major depression or are taking birth control pills, Xanax or Elavil.

Blake M Talvitz has been writing articles for 5 years, covering a number of topics such as health, fitness, home and garden, and business management. Her latest blogs are about name badge ribbons and garden swing cushions.

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